[The Los Angeles Times]For Valentine’s Day, draw brains, not...

Forget the heart and Cupid this Valentine's Day. It's the brain that makes you do crazy stuff when you're in love. In fact, love apparently can remodel your brain, according to a study published online Friday inFrontiers in Human Neuroscience. It's...

齐鲁网1月18日讯“You're crazy and I'm out of my mind。Cause all of me,Loves all of you……” 一首《ALL OF ME》被眼前这位戴着眼镜,长相清秀的男生唱的深沉动听,这位深情款款唱着...

可以发现,在《Look What You Made Me Do》单曲评论区,听友点赞最多的评论留言就来自于一家主打欧美音乐资讯的音乐自媒体。 萨姆·史密斯全新专辑预售 网易云音乐销量最佳 《Look What Y...

1月6日,Ed Sheeran延续上一张的做法,发布了两首先行单曲《Shape of You》和《Castle on the Hill》。这两首单曲面世后,就占领英国单曲榜冠亚军位置;1月18日,《Shape Of You》更为他摘下了首支Billboard冠军单曲。 专辑名:《More Life》 发行时间:2017年初 将发 Drake ...

25. You make me whole. 是你让我完整了。 26. You're special to me. 对我来说,你跟别人不一样。 27. I feel something for you. 我对你有感觉。 28. You're all I see. 我的眼里只有...

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